Statement of Operating Revenue of Latest 3 years (after adopting IFRSs) (* More details you can get through TPEx website.)
Monthly Operating Revenue
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) |
Unit:NTD’000 |
Month |
Operating Revenue |
Accumulated Operating Revenue |
Year 2025 |
Year 2024 |
Increase |
As of The End |
The |
Increase |
(Decrease) |
of This Month |
Corresponding |
(Decrease) |
(%) |
In Year |
Period In Year |
(%) |
2025 |
2024 |
12 | 120,266 | 1,164,364 | ||||
11 | 83,845 | 1,044,098 | ||||
10 | 90,146 | 960,253 | ||||
9 | 104,425 | 870,107 | ||||
8 | 86,540 | 765,682 | ||||
7 | 72,741 | 679,142 | ||||
6 | 90,652 | 606,401 | ||||
5 | 88,279 | 515,749 | ||||
4 | 117,405 | 427,470 | ||||
3 | 112,760 | 310,065 | ||||
2 | 82,635 | 197,305 | ||||
1 | 103,607 | 114,670 | -9.65% | 103,607 | 114,670 | -9.65% |
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) |
Unit:NTD’000 |
Month |
Operating Revenue |
Accumulated Operating Revenue |
Year 2024 |
Year 2023 |
Increase |
As of The End |
The |
Increase |
(Decrease) |
of This Month |
Corresponding |
(Decrease) |
(%) |
In Year |
Period In Year |
(%) |
2024 |
2023 |
12 | 120,266 | 102,907 | 16.87% | 1,164,364 | 1,009,798 | 15.31% |
11 | 83,845 | 88,679 | -5.45% | 1,044,098 | 906,891 | 15.13% |
10 | 90,146 | 97,092 | -7.15% | 960,253 | 818,212 | 17.36% |
9 | 104,425 | 84,979 | 22.88% | 870,107 | 721,120 | 20.66% |
8 | 86,540 | 89,552 | -3.36% | 765,682 | 636,141 | 20.36% |
7 | 72,741 | 89,652 | -18.86% | 679,142 | 546,589 | 24.25% |
6 | 90,652 | 80,458 | 12.67% | 606,401 | 456,937 | 32.71% |
5 | 88,279 | 95,802 | -7.85% | 515,749 | 376,479 | 36.99% |
4 | 117,405 | 72,168 | 62.68% | 427,470 | 280,677 | 52.30% |
3 | 112,760 | 66,830 | 68.73% | 310,065 | 208,509 | 48.71% |
2 | 82,635 | 73,287 | 12.76% | 197,305 | 141,679 | 39.26% |
1 | 114,670 | 68,392 | 67.67% | 114,670 | 68,392 | 67.67% |
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) |
Unit:NTD’000 |
Month |
Operating Revenue |
Accumulated Operating Revenue |
Year 2023 |
Year 2022 |
Increase |
As of The End |
The |
Increase |
(Decrease) |
of This Month |
Corresponding |
(Decrease) |
(%) |
In Year |
Period In Year |
(%) |
2023 |
2022 |
12 | 102,907 | 61,931 | 66.16% | 1,009,798 | 1,154,415 | -12.53% |
11 | 88,679 | 67,472 | 31.43% | 906,891 | 1,092,484 | -16.99% |
10 | 97,092 | 97,778 | -0.70% | 818,212 | 1,025,011 | -20.18 |
9 | 84,979 | 85,141 | -0.19% | 721,120 | 927,233 | -22.23% |
8 | 89,552 | 90,132 | -0.64% | 636,141 | 842,092 | -24.46% |
7 | 89,652 | 91,880 | -2.42% | 546,589 | 751,960 | -27.31% |
6 | 80,458 | 89,808 | -10.41% | 456,937 | 660,080 | -30.78% |
5 | 95,802 | 66,485 | 44.10% | 376,479 | 570,272 | -33.98% |
4 | 72,168 | 138,256 | -47.80% | 280,677 | 503,787 | -44.29% |
3 | 66,830 | 150,272 | -55.53% | 208,509 | 365,531 | -42.96% |
2 | 73,287 | 115,631 | -36.62% | 141,679 | 215,259 | -34.18% |
1 | 68,392 | 99,628 | -31.35% | 68,392 | 99,628 | -31.35% |
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) |
Unit:NTD’000 |
Month |
Operating Revenue |
Accumulated Operating Revenue |
Year 2022 |
Year 2021 |
Increase |
As of The End |
The |
Increase |
(Decrease) |
of This Month |
Corresponding |
(Decrease) |
(%) |
In Year |
Period In Year |
(%) |
2022 |
2021 |
12 | 61,931 | 98,867 | -37.36% | 1,154,415 | 894,227 | 29.10% |
11 | 67,473 | 95,455 | -29.21% | 1,092,484 | 795,360 | 37.36% |
10 | 97,778 | 99,320 | -1.55% | 1,025,011 | 699,905 | 46.45% |
9 | 85,141 | 44,459 | 91.50% | 927,233 | 600,585 | 54.39% |
8 | 90,132 | 26,873 | 235.40% | 842,092 | 556,126 | 51.42% |
7 | 91,880 | 34,630 | 165.32% | 751,960 | 529,253 | 42.08% |
6 | 89,808 | 32,048 | 180.23% | 660,080 | 494,623 | 33.45% |
5 | 66,485 | 88,477 | -24.86% | 570,272 | 462,575 | 23.28% |
4 | 138,256 | 101,446 | 36.29% | 503,787 | 374,098 | 34.67% |
3 | 150,272 | 131,558 | 14.22% | 365,531 | 272,651 | 34.07% |
2 | 115,631 | 94,155 | 22.81% | 215,259 | 141,093 | 52.57% |
1 | 99,628 | 46,938 | 112.25% | 99,628 | 46,938 | 112.25% |
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) | Unit:NTD’000 | |||||
Month | Operating Revenue | Accumulated Operating Revenue | ||||
Year 2021 | Year 2020 | Increase | As of The End | The | Increase | |
(Decrease) | of This Month | Corresponding | (Decrease) | |||
(%) | In Year | Period In Year | (%) | |||
2021 | 2020 | |||||
12 | 98,867 | 128,334 | -22.96 | 894,227 | 1,259,850 | -29.02 |
11 | 95,455 | 139,695 | -31.67 | 795,360 | 1,131,516 | -29.71 |
10 | 99,320 | 158,439 | -37.31 | 699,905 | 991,821 | -29.43 |
9 | 44,459 | 105,139 | -57.71 | 600,585 | 833,382 | -27.93 |
8 | 26,873 | 138,915 | -80.66 | 556,126 | 728,243 | -23.63 |
7 | 34,630 | 133,372 | -74.04 | 529,253 | 589,328 | -10.19 |
6 | 32,048 | 123,791 | -74.11 | 494,623 | 455,956 | 8.48 |
5 | 88,477 | 54,653 | 61.89 | 462,575 | 332,165 | 39.26 |
4 | 101,446 | 5,252 | 1,831.57 | 374,098 | 277,512 | 34.80 |
3 | 131,559 | 81,288 | 61.84 | 272,652 | 272,260 | 0.14 |
2 | 94,155 | 98,412 | -4.33 | 141,093 | 190,972 | -26.12 |
1 | 46,938 | 92,560 | -49.29 | 46,938 | 92,560 | -49.29 |
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) | Unit:NTD’000 | |||||
Month | Operating Revenue | Accumulated Operating Revenue | ||||
Year 2020 | Year 2019 | Increase | As of The End | The | Increase | |
(Decrease) | of This Month | Corresponding | (Decrease) | |||
(%) | In Year | Period In Year | (%) | |||
2020 | 2019 | |||||
12 | 128,329 | 124,945 | 2.71 | 1,259,845 | 1,386,627 | -9.14 |
11 | 139,695 | 116,111 | 20.31 | 1,131,516 | 1,261,682 | -10.32 |
10 | 158,439 | 128,820 | 22.99 | 991,821 | 1,145,571 | -13.42 |
9 | 105,139 | 109,183 | -3.70 | 833,382 | 1,016,751 | -18.03 |
8 | 138,915 | 128,074 | 8.46 | 728,243 | 907,568 | -19.76 |
7 | 133,372 | 116,842 | 14.15 | 589,328 | 779,494 | -24.40 |
6 | 123,792 | 95,026 | 30.27 | 455,956 | 662,652 | -31.19 |
5 | 54,652 | 128,607 | -57.50 | 332,165 | 567,262 | -94.15 |
4 | 5,252 | 118,400 | -95.56 | 277,513 | 439,019 | -36.79 |
3 | 81,289 | 129,729 | -37.34 | 272,261 | 320619 | -15.08 |
2 | 98,412 | 75,966 | 29.55 | 190,972 | 190,890 | 0.04 |
1 | 92,560 | 114,924 | -19.46 | 92,560 | 114,924 | -19.46 |
Statement of Operating Revenue(6616 TIL) | Unit:NTD’000 | |||||
Month | Operating Revenue | Accumulated Operating Revenue | ||||
Year 2019 | Year 2018 | Increase | As of The End | The | Increase | |
(Decrease) | of This Month | Corresponding | (Decrease) | |||
(%) | In Year | Period In Year | (%) | |||
2019 | 2018 | |||||
12 | 124,944 | 134,728 | -7.36 | 1,386,622 | 1,082,868 | 28.05 |
11 | 116,107 | 112,919 | 2.82 | 1,261,678 | 948,140 | 33.07 |
10 | 128,820 | 125,648 | 2.52 | 1,145,571 | 835,221 | 37.16 |
9 | 109,165 | 100,288 | 8.85 | 1,016,736 | 709,573 | 43,29 |
8 | 128,051 | 99,134 | 29.17 | 907,571 | 609,285 | 48.96 |
7 | 116,855 | 80,910 | 44.43 | 779,520 | 510,151 | 52.80 |
6 | 95,023 | 101,208 | -6.11 | 662,665 | 429,241 | 54.38 |
5 | 128,607 | 72,132 | 78.29 | 567,642 | 328,033 | 73.04 |
4 | 118,406 | 73,581 | 60.92 | 439,035 | 255,901 | 71.56 |
3 | 129,729 | 78,816 | 64.60 | 320,619 | 182,320 | 75.86 |
2 | 75,966 | 47,130 | 61.18 | 190,890 | 103,504 | 84.43 |
1 | 114,924 | 56,374 | 103.86 | 114,924 | 56,374 | 103.86 |